EACD Europe 2021

Le 21 December 2020 Evénements

People with childhood-onset disabilities and their families are living in challenging times. COVID-19 has hit our European society very hard and will keep our health care and economy for a long time in a stranglehold. Budgetary deficits are raging and savings are likely on the way. By taking a truly European perspective, EACD Europe 2021 has the ideal timing for EACD to conduct the discussion with local and European stakeholders on how to keep health service for people with childhood-onset disabilities affordable with acceptable quality and to place the most urgent challenges on the European agenda.

Under the meeting theme ‘Childhood Disability in a Changing World’, EACD will look back on the direct and indirect effects of COVID-19 on the area of childhood disability, from the use of remote consultation methods and tele-medicine up to the mental health impact. But also look forward to the newest trends in rehabilitation and care and the latest development in technology and innovation.


EACD believes that an online, innovative, proactive, and cross-border approach is required for 2021 to bring people together and ensure the exchange of the latest scientific knowledge about childhood-onset disabilities across Europe in the new reality of today.
EACD decided to organize in 2021 a truly virtual meeting, unique in its format and set-up. EACD Europe 2021 will consist of four thematic days over the period May – June 2020.

See the programme
The developments for EACD Europe 2021 are in full swing, and more information and details will be announced soon.